OnDemand available at ondemand.hpc.taltech.ee, is a graphical user interface that allows access to HPC via a web browser. Within the OnDemand environment users can:
run Desktop session ( -> TalTech HPC Desktop)
access to HPC files ( -> Home directory)
upload, download and delete files ( -> Home directory)
check nodes load
monitor and cancel own jobs
check own quota
check own bills
run interactive applications like Jupyter
The default desktop environment is xfce, which is configurable, lightweight and fast.
The menu only contain very few programs from the operating system. However, all installed software can be open an XTerminal using the module system as you would from the command-line.
OnDemand Desktop#
Choose "TalTech HPC Desktop".
Set up and launch an interactive desktop (time, number and type of cores (CPU=green, GPU), memory). 1 core and 1 GB of memory is usually enough if no calculations are planned.
NB! Check your account.
Firstly, your request will be put into a queue and this picture will appear.
When needed resources will become available, your session will start and this picture will appear.
We recommend to use default settings for "Compression" and "Image Quality", unless you require high-quality screenshots.
NB! Do not use quality settings "Compression 0" and/or "Image Quality 9", this will cause a zlib error message. The message box can be removed by reloading the browser tab.
To start interactive desktop press "Launch TalTech HPC Desktop"
Will appear your HPC Desktop, where user can open XTerminal.
Load environment and program needed and start vizualization. More detailed instructions on environment and program loading are given below.
More information about using onDemand can be found at visualization page.
In the end of session do not forget to disconnect.